
What is ''? is the leading independent submission system for electronic SDLT forms - over 4.7 million forms have been submitted to HMRC. stops stamp tax form rejections, pre-populates the form and gives you a printed SDLT5 certificate instantly upon successful submission. No more lost SDLT5s and no need for a client signature. Only a small disbursement charge per certificate (remote installation, updates, training and support all included free). is available as a stand-alone software application that can integrate with a wide range of case management applications.
We also offer a fully-online, internet-based version as well.

Firms from the sole practitioner up to UK Legal Top 250 firms use Why? - because it saves time and helps with risk management. has the ability to hold standard answers as templates. You can have several templates, e.g. one for Freehold and one for Leasehold. Through using templates, a central contacts database, user-friendly plain English validation and added case management integration, using will save you significant time - time is money!

Versions to Suit your Environment is available in two versions that have identical features and benefits but give you choice to suit your environment:-

1) Compose Offline, Submit Online* (also known as our desktop version)

The advantage is, if your internet is down or HMRC systems are down, you can carry on drafting forms.
The disadvantage is you have to install the software on every PC.


2) Fully Online**

Its advantage is no installation or deployment effort required, a complete managed SDLT service.
The disadvantage is if your internet goes down, you have no access to your SDLT forms.

*Compose Offline, Submit Online - £7 + VAT per successful submission. **All online version - £10 + VAT per successful submission. Fees subject to change.

In the News... has been featured in a number of leading legal publications most recent is below - see links below.


You do not have to have case management. works either in conjunction with case management systems or independently. Admittedly users of approved case management systems have an advantage as the unique case management integration gives the ultimate pre-populated form. But case management is by no means a prerequisite to using

You have a case management system and are interested in integration integrates with a wide range of leading case management applications. were the first dedicated conveyancing software house to integrate directly with the Government Gateway.

Managing Director, Archie Courage states; "Being the first to have jumped through the extensive technical hoops required by HMRC, provides a real demonstration of our unrivalled investment and expertise into solving problems for conveyancers moving into e-Conveyancing. Our success with over 3.6 million submission attempts to HMRC demonstrates the level of experience we have."

At the moment we fill out forms by hand, the HMRC online service or a proprietary forms provider. Most of the time this works. So why should we change?

Duplicated data entry, lack of comprehensive saving templates, no integration with case management systems and no central database of your own for risk management all mean you are not being as efficient as you should be. Many firms are not even charging for this time. Can you afford to continue losing money and wasting time? provides a fast, efficient way of completing SDLT returns online. Installation of the software is free, the first 3 successful submissions are free and thereafter there's just a small disbursement charge per submission.

Cost effective... want to know more? is better value than any contract-licensed equivalent through a "pay as you go" simple charging structure that is flexible to fit your quiet and busy periods of trading. There are no upfront or ongoing support costs for, just a simple disbursement charge per certificate.

For further information please call 0330 551 9341 or email

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