If you have further questions to those stated, or require more detailed information, please do not hesitate to contact us at
1 What is an e-submission? What about a client signature?
An e-submission is a secure sending of data that does NOT have a physical signature from you or the client. There is NOT a digital signature either.
Firstly you do not have to have a client signature if you are acting as an agent, but if you want a client to sign a declaration this is available at the bottom of each form as a button 'SDLT & Declaration'. This prints out a client declaration to sign and a summary of all the answers filled in at the point of printing.
As you are submitting electronically this paper document will only ever remain on file and it should not be sent to HMRC. The requirement for you to get the client to sign the form has always been misunderstood and the official guidance is that if you are acting in the capacity as an AGENT, you may receive authorisation to submit the form electronically in any medium you wish. Email, Verbal, Written etc. Therefore no signature is required, and you should explain (normally via a client care letter on instruction) that you are acting as their agent, for the submission of their stamp duty return, and by instructing you they are agreeing that you act as their agent.